#1 Susan
#2 Olivia
#3 Celia
#4 Lisa Vaughan
#5 Joe Ascoli
#6 Nanci Fulmek
#7 Troy Jones
#8 Bodhi Kenyon
Link to Bodhi's blog post:
#9 Stephanie F
#10 Carole H
#11 Cathy M

#12 Susan
Very excited! Did an InBody body composition analysis at the start of the Carnivore Challenge and one at the end.
Previously, while on keto I lost 7.5% of my lean muscle mass along with my weight loss.
On this challenge I lost 8.5 pounds and less than1% of that was lean muscle mass, it was almost all fat loss!
Not to mention all the fantastically delicious steaks…
#13 Pam S
I still can’t believe it! After listening to countless carnivore podcasts for the past four years, I finally made the leap. I went strict keto four years ago and lost 70 pounds!
When I started a new job two years ago, I was too embarrassed to tell my new coworkers that I didn’t eat bread. They took me to a restaurant that served only pizza, so I ate my first bread in two years!
It was all downhill from there. I tried unsuccessfully to get back on the plan multiple times, only to fail. I even paid for books, classes, apps, and coaching. Nothing worked! I gained back 40 pounds! So debilitating.
Somehow, this time was different. Despite having to buy treats for my students, coworkers, and family, I abstained. It certainly wasn’t easy, but I’m glad I did it!
I feel great! No bloating, no reflux, no maddening addictive behaviors! I feel free!
Thank you for all your positive support and encouragement. Keep up the great work!
#14 Elsbeth
But here's the thing, as I was on this Keto journey, I stumbled upon something called oxalate problems. I had no clue what that was at first, but I dug deeper and found myself leaning towards the carnivore lifestyle. So, about 4 months ago, when I found Dr. Anthony Chaffee, I made the switch to strict Carnivore. And let me tell you, it has made a world of difference! The inflammation practically vanished within a couple of months. However, I wasn't really losing weight as I hoped. That's when I decided to tweak my ratios a bit. I went from 70:30 to 80:20 just a week ago, and guess what? The weight is finally shifting!
#15 Maria B
Dear Dr. Chaffee, Simon and all my fellow Carni-Pals,Thank you so much for bringing this WOE to my attention,
And for all the support and smiles I have had here.
It took a while to re-condition myself to listening to my body and meeting it's need. Isn't it crazy that an animal (me) evolved from eating meat YET made the decision to avoid it for 40yrs.
Thank goodness my body is forgiving me. Eating fat and meat my body has lowered triglycerides, increased HDL, lowered blood pressure, lowered insulin and glucose, cleared all Liver markers, reduced body fat, increased testosterone, increased muscle mass, increased bone density. This lifestyle has cured me of anxiety, depression, panic attacks, insomnia, migraines, neck pain, shoulder pain, tennis elbow, hip pain, knee pain, plantar fasciitis.
As my pain and mental health resolved my energy improved and I wanted to get out, to walk, to skip and even to run, to swim and to play . At last, I have recovered the joy of living. I am now happy and able to face whatever challenges may come.
Thank you 🙏
#16 Kym W
#17 Lucy R
Hi Dr. Chaffee,
I would love to join the November group, however, because I'm doing so incredibly well on a strict carnivore diet now for 7 months, (no coffee, tea, sweeteners, or spices) I am too busy!
You and Simon have helped me a lot along this journey in past challenges which have been invaluable to me. I wouldn't have the success I'm experiencing without the help I received from both of you and the community.
I now have a new job and I love it! There is no way this would have happened had I continued along in my old lifestyle. I wouldn't have had the physical energy level required, the mental clarity, or the calm presence of mind to face a fairly steep learning curve.
I feel super young and vibrant at 63 and it feels fabulous to be out in the world and engaged. I work, I swim, and I eat meat––life is good!
It was important to me that you know how much you've helped me; and still help me, as I listen to your interviews and your youtube videos.
With kind regards,

- Great energy, no need for coffee. (Still on thyroid).
- I have carpal tunnel in both wrists and don’t need to wear my braces anymore!
- I have plantar fasciitis in both feet, arthritis in my right foot, faucet joints and pre-arthritis in my shoulders. My knees have also been hurting. ALL 95% better. I used to go to the gym SIX DAYS/WK to do back and leg strengthening exercises and I don’t do any of that now!
- This is the only diet I’ve ever done (and I’ve done a lot) that has kicked my hot buttered biscuit, chocolate, and donut cravings.
- I’ve lost 12 pounds.
- My mental fortitude is a lot better. I’m still depressed but I can weather it MUCH better. Far more cheerful.
- My eyesight has improved!
- Never gassy or bloated.
- Never hypo glycemic. Can fast!
- May have convinced my 15 year old to give up vegetarianism at the least, and maybe go carnivore at the best.
May have convinced my 19 year old recently diagnosed schizoaffective to try carnivore, or at least keto, or at least no sugar, then wheat, then dairy. Please keep up prayers for them both!
Thank you Dr. Chafee, Simon, and everyone who has responded to posts and posted awesome shares!"
#20 Larry W
Price of admission is covered (10 days in).
I got my salt right, I got my fat right, my portions are right, my steaks are aging in the fridge, I’ve made a bunch of new recipes (even entertained some sad eaters with carni!) I would ask more questions but I keep finding the answers in the course.
#21 Lisa V
"5 months eating a carnivore style plan and my life long gut pains bloating spasms and reoccurring. SIBO-C is fully resolved. Arthritic pains in my thumbs and toes gone.
Energy is stable and sustained.
#24 V. B.

#26 Caroline
"First month on 'How to Carnivore Challenge' and the effects have only been positive.
The sleep quality has gone through the roof, sleeping right through the night, waking up so refreshed and rested, no night sweats.
Skin has brightened and feels smoother.
Knee joint pain has started easing and commuting to and from work is so much better as a result, energy has improved, used to feel so lethargic.
Oh and before I forget, I've lost 10kg (22lbs).
Thanks to this wonderful community for all the chats, advice, inspiration, Q&A sessions etc. I've learned so much. A HUGE thank you to Dr. Chaffee and Simon for all you do!!
Much appreciated. Keep spreading the word! 😇💫"
#27 Daniel L
"This month has been a massive win.
Jan 31st I was 78.9kgs, suffering with bloating and symptoms of IBS, as well as having gut issues due to polyps in the gall bladder and a large cyst in the pancreas. I was addicted to both coffee and alcohol and maintaining a strict diet just wasn’t following those addictions.
29 days of strict meat and water later and I’m 72.7kgs, not bloated at all. My stools have corrected themselves. I have no interest in coffee or alcohol. My muscles are more pronounced and I have more energy all day. I no longer feel the issues in my gut like I did. An ultrasound next week will tell me where the cyst, etc are at.
This has been an amazing turnaround in just 29 days. Can’t wait to see how I am after 6 months. Thanks to this community for the information and the inspiration."
#28 Brenda
"A little late to the party, but I just wanted to say thank you Simon Lewis and Dr. Chaffee for a fabulous month and getting that last 5-10% tweaked.
Goal of no coffee, alcohol and cheese complete. And now no desire for any of them.
Thanks to the suggestion of the 3D mask and blue blockers in the evening, I now sleep 8- 10 hours each night.
And thanks to The Stoic Journal as with gratitude and intentions added to each day, I reached my goal of completing my Primal Health Coach Certification this morning! Whoop Whoop!
Yes, keep me on auto, I've learned something everyday and met some pretty incredible people along the way."
#29 Carmen Tse
How To Carnivore is very well organized and part of an easy-to-use app. Information is communicated well and the education section is full of useful videos and articles. Having direct access to Dr. Chaffee for weekly Q&A sessions is highly beneficial. Simon is a great moderator and I had an awesome experience.
#30 Kate Mibus
It's so nice and encouraging being in a group thats on the same journey. Trying to improve our health. I'm delighted with the teaching on regenerative farming. Being a farmer myself, this is close to my heart.
#31 Gary G
It hasn't quite been a week since I joined, but I must say that I am very impressed with what you have put together. I have been in a few other (and am still concurrently in Ken Berry's) online groups which are hosted by/with other popular carnivorous influencers. This one is by far the best!
The Classroom tab's layout and content is one particular aspect that really sets it apart. Plus the additional resources and replays all listed out in a very easy-to-navigate manner. So much better than searching YouTube and missing what I don't know to search for.
The live Q&A knocked my socks off too, actually being a two-way interactive Zoom meeting. Even better than Dr. Chaffee's regular Thursday public Q&As. Those also have great value, but this was just WAY better than I expected. It was almost like a semi-private mini-consult opportunity, with bonus Q&A info.
#32 Janet W
When I first learned about the Carnivore Diet I went through the 5 stages of grief.
Denial: “This is the craziest thing I have every heard of, none of this is true! It just can’t be” I thought the person that told me about it was off her rocker (she happens to be my massage therapist that I have seen for about 15 years that is my spiritual guru, teacher, and advisor who WAS vegan/vegetarian.) The person that I trusted more than anyone in the world was saying the exact opposite of everything she had taught me over the years.
Anger: I felt angry once I realized what she, all the doctors and other people on You Tube were saying about the CD was true. I was so mad because I had been duped and lied to all my life by those pushing the anti-meat narrative and their own agendas. All those years of me teaching my students what I thought was the truth on how to be healthy was just bullshit. There was a lot of guilt on my part because of that, there still is.
Bargaining: The Carnivore Diet was very difficult for me in the beginning because I keep looking for loopholes. “But I really love nuts and seeds, they CANNOT be bad for me. I am not about to give up my Kombucha in the morning, I know it’s good for me and it tastes SO good.”
Depression: I was so sad to give up my old life, my old way of thinking, all the yummy foods I would never get to eat again. I would get very nostalgic and found myself thinking of my childhood and how I would eat Sugar Crisp cereal for breakfast (even though I haven’t had Sugar Crisp in over 40 years!) Or how my brother and I would walk down to the corner store and get a Snickers bar and put peanuts in a bottle of Dr Pepper. I would beat myself up for sharing with my yoga students my recipe for making spinach smoothies with plenty of flaxseed, chia seeds and lots of fruit to make it palatable. I was basically eating a vegan/vegetarian diet even though I never labelled myself a vegan because I knew if a piece of meat crossed my path I would gobble it up!
Acceptance: Finally, the good part of the story. It wasn’t until I joined How to Carnivore that I accepted that this is the life I was meant to live. After hearing all your success stories as well as the difficulties I realized I had found my tribe. At last, I have discovered my true purpose in life was much bigger than I had imagined, more than I had ever dreamed. My purpose in life is to now share this news with as many people as I can so I can make a difference in their lives. I am ready, I am willing and with the support and knowledge of all of you I can do it.
Thanks to Milica for your unwavering belief and support for me! Thank you
Other Results:
#33 Christine T
March is my first month with Carnivore. I'm very excited to report that I am down 10 pounds. But the best change is that my continuous glucose monitor has shown almost a straight line with no blood sugar spikes. My numbers have been very good. This is the best health benefit I could hope for. Thank you Dr. Chaffee and Simon for all the great info.
#34 Peter K
This month was a great success for me. Started the month at 129kg. Finished the month at 118kg. 11kg (24.2 lbs) lost for the month. Feeling really good. Definitely going to keep this going.
#35 Tammy B
I started my journey Jan 8 2024… my results have been slow to say the least … only 5 lb weight loss … need to lose 50… But that’s not my ultimate goal. It IS a goal tho lol. I’ve been sick for 25 years with autoimmune diseases… spine issues and joint issues and kidney stones multiple times without going into all the details …. What I have noticed is my appetite has completely changed … I can see the knuckles on my hands for the first time in YEARS from less inflammation… my knees hurt less and I exercise more now than I have in a long time. My mind is clearer and this is the first time I’ve been able to stick to anything and actually enjoy it!
Of course I miss some foods I enjoyed previously at times. But now when I see them I see “kidney stones.. or pain”. I don’t see them as joyful things anymore … it’s been a whole mindset change … the lies we’ve been told are appalling to me. I’m a clinical herbalist gone carnivore. So it’s a totally new adventure for me. And although things are slow right now…. I’m loving it and can’t see going back…. So I hope that in a years time. I’ll be able to come back and post the perfect results that I so desire and prove that illness can be reversed… This month I have lost 2 more lbs. which is still sooo. Slow lol and 0.44 on my body fat…. I’m also a BIG gum chewer. Has xylitol but not sugar. I’ve noticed that after I chew the gum … I get nauseated and have hot flashes. Which is weird lol. … so I’m no longer a gum chewer. That was the hardest thing to give up. I’m not sure how many times I’ll have to get nauseous to fully eliminate but so far it hasn’t been too hard to pass up. I’ve also noticed ( as have others) that I don't struggle to get up off the floor and take a few minutes to get going once I’m up anymore. I’ve struggled there for years with arthritis and such… I'm very much considering the lion diet. I’m super curious to how that would go. I really like eggs and butter tho… but ultimately total health is my goal.
The healing has been slow. But it’s been progressing and I’m able to stick with this and never able to stick with anything else before. It’s day by day but so far each day has led to the next and I do feel I’m lifer… I greatly appreciate this group and all the encouragement and knowledge I’ve gained …
#36 Frida
I had started carnivore one month before I joined the group. What really helps me is to read and listen all these conversations, where various problems come in focus. Since I don't have any like minded people in my circle and since the carnivore diet in Europe is neither so popular nor are the carnivores well organised with similar groups, the online "contact" with your community is a great support, in order not to feel alone with what I am doing. I watch the videos with you and the members in Skool (the time difference doesn't allow me to watch them live) and Dr. Chaffee's videos on YouTube. All this information helps me enormously with going on with the carnivore life style and improving the diet according to my schedule and preferences.
#37 Katherine
After that 2-week stall I shared with you guys earlier my body has been in a major flush mode. In the last 6 days I've dropped 8.8lbs! That's 28.8lbs since I started 'carnivorish' the month before our 30 day challenge. In the last two weeks I switched to all beef, butter, eggs and salt and I feel like that's made a world of difference for me.
I no longer supplement any electrolytes. Everything is regulating. My sleep is good, although I need less. My hair isn't falling out... that has been a lifelong problem. My energy is increasing and my overall feeling of well-being has a marked improvement. Oh and I've lost 2 pant sizes!
People are asking how I'm losing weight, but no one wants to talk about it when I say I'm only eating meat. I imagine a few of them will come around to the dark side when they see my continued success.
#38 Monica E
My one month carnivore results:
- A reduction in my chronic pain which is awesome after being in chronic pain for almost two decades
- Headaches almost resolved
- Feeling more rested after a night's sleep
- Down 5kg (11 pounds)
- Actually having appetite/experiencing the sensation of hunger
- Mental health much more even, less depression
- Improvement on brain fog
- No bloating or stomach pain
- No longer wake up for the toilet overnight
#39 Kevin C
I’m doing great today is day 138 Lion diet.
I love everyday I’m on this eat’n right for my species! I’ve enjoyed losing 38 pounds since day one and I also enjoy watching my strength training continued increase in performance not to mention my mental acuity is higher than I can ever remember it being and my energy level is always up except when I’m sleeping, and then I sleep better than I’ve slept, and I don’t know how many years.
I only wish more people would believe me when I told them what I’m doing and how easy it is to follow. Once one gets used to eating meat without all the other stuff. Some of my family members have enjoyed eating more meat, but they still participate in things like potatoes, and or salads , so they don’t quite see the benefit for them yet very soon probably on day 150 I’m gonna go get my blood panel work done because I do have a comparison of my blood panel prior to day one.
I really do appreciate the work you put into making this information so available and so easy for us to use, I thank you from the bottom of my heart which by the way is much healthier now.
#40 Yannick
So far, so good ! I wasn't sure how many months to take for the challenge. I've being doing tests with the carnivore on and off since 5 years but still having issues with some things. I'm glad I took more than 1 month. I wasn't expecting having professionals from different background doing live with us. Having the chance to ask them question is a great plus. The community is great and helping each other. Having Dr. Chaffee answering your question is really neat. He's not only on YouTube, he's real ! It feels weird having the chance to discuss with him after watching many videos. Simon is doing a great job organizing everything. I'm glad to be a part of that challenge :) !
#41 Carole
I found Carnivore and started in 2024 and today weigh 46 pounds less. Down to Class I obesity. 6 inches lost around my waist That is not even the best part. In April I discontinued steroid and depression medications (I weaned with support from my physician). I added bioidentical hormone restoration. I changed from Synthroid to armour thyroid medication. And stopped a huge quantity of supplements. I can breath and walk normally when I go up and down stairs. I have energy to do the things I enjoy again. Rashes are gone. Joint swelling vastly reduced. Pain is from 8 to 2 or less. Tremor is improved.
Last week I lost fat while at the Orlando Theme Parks and walked more than 10,000 steps per day. I knew what the sugar and processed foods would do to me. And it felt wonderful and liberating to choose foods that served my body and mind instead. Those foods are real and they are the very best part of our options. I don't feel deprived by selecting these foods. I am blessed!
I would like to lose an additional 56 pounds and continue to improve my health, especially my strength and mobility. Im also walking attempting to sprint and started using an X3 resistance trainer as of two weeks ago.
I’m staying with this group! You all are stuck with me😉 Thank you all so much for the wonderful support and sharing what you’ve learned. And … my doggies are heathier too Thank you!
#42 Janet W
I had a big win last night; I slept almost 7 hours straight! I’m spent most of this month learning about circadian rhythms and trying to implement those changes.
My vitiligo is improving, and I think my Raynaud’s Syndrome is getting better. I know these will take time and I am up for the task.
My muscles are getting stronger, I can especially see the difference in my arms. One thing that really bothered me was all the loose skin and wrinkles in my arms and across my belly. My skin has started to shrink and looks so much better. I lost SO much bone and muscle since 2015 when I took my yoga teacher training and was eating mostly a plant-based diet.
I am off ALL medications and my mental health has improved by leaps and bounds! Better memory, more mental clarity, less stress and worry.
My knees are feeling better than they have in 15 years.
Thanks again to all of you for your support and let’s do this together!
#44 Omar Salom
#45 Ronna Bulera
It was exactly what I needed to get me back on track. Dr. Chafee, Simon Lewis, and the guests that they have invited are all so knowledgeable and wise in their sharing. There is always more to be learned! And there's such a sense of belonging within the community.
#46 Beverley C
- Eat more fat, as it stops emotional cravings for treats (I now pour the fat juices over the meat before eating, delicious).
- I have had problems loosing weight but have decided to up my exercise programme to twice a day. I may not loose weight but I will protect muscle mass.
- I’ve learnt not to think “Once I loose weight I’ll eat this “ or “on my birthday I can eat this….” Having this internal conversation was undermining determination to stay with way of eating
#47 Jason S
I don't know where to start. I've been on the lion diet for this month. Blood sugar down 200 points, even with dawn effect. Weight down 10 lbs. Vision improving, have gone back to a previous prescription from 4 years ago. Skin has dramatically improved with most flaking completely gone. Huge reduction in mucus production in my lungs, to where I go for days without coughing up stuff. Muscle definition has appeared where there hasn't been any for years. I no longer bleed from my gums when I brush my teeth. Pitting Edema of the lower extremities is gone. My desire for intimacy with my wife has increased. I rarely feel groggy in the morning when I wake up, only when I don't get enough sleep. Numbness in my left hand has decreased to the point where the back of the hand is normal, and I can now feel things I lift and hold. This is a huge change. My desire and energy for working out has also climbed. I no longer suffer through work outs, but enjoy them! I have not had a single gout attack and have not been taking the gout medicine. My mental attitude has also improved. I entertain the gloomy thoughts that were part of my daily life less and less. I have hope, instead of just enduring life. I actually have a jaw line now, something that hasn't been there for decades. I am looking forward to my blood tests and doctor visit his next month, instead of dreading it. I can actually exhale all the air out of my lungs without it causing a coughing fit. My left knee which has been damaged, is now recovery. I have much less pain even though I am doing physical therapy with it. I limp less! I'm not ready for running yet, but I am hopeful that I will be able to in the future. My abdomen has decreased in girth to where all my shirts are baggy on me. I've gone down 4 inches in waist size for my pants. I'm sure there are things going on with my endocrine system that I only sense to a degree. I am not the person who started this challenge a month ago.
#48 Kristyn B
#49 Janet H
Well it’s the morning of the 31st May. I went hardcore on 1 May, no coffee, no milky coffee drink just meat, salt and water.
15 lbs down over the month.
BP going down every week.
Wardrobe is changing, costing a fortune as a result! Shoe size gone down by a half size.
Last night had a funny thing happen, was paying someone via my bank account and it required my biometric pass using my face. It took forever as the camera was not recognizing my now slimmer face! 🤣🤣 need to redo it now!
Inadvertently I seemed to have sorted out a shoulder issue that I’ve endured for the last year. Hope my Chiropractor appointment on Monday is my last as I can now do windmills with my left arm whereas at Christmas I could barely raise it above elbow height! Whoop, whoop!
#50 Monica E
#51 Debbie W
Carnivore since mid-April.
Down 25 lbs; join pain is virtually gone; I'm off statins; for type2 diabetes I'm off metformin and amaryl and have cut daily long-term insulin (Tresiba) by 50%; I'm stopping BP meds today cuz it's normal - almost low w/ no meds.
I feel so much better - I feel like doing household chores, took my first walk around the block since last fall, running my own errands, taking my granddaughter on outings. I could go on and on...
The other 3 adults in my house still eat SAD and I am having no trouble avoiding all the processed crap they eat. Hoping my good results will eventually turn their stubborn minds.
My son who lives a mile away has decided to start carnivore today and I'm doing my best to support him without being a pushy mom and overwhelming him.
Looking to keep things going the way they have been, and looking forward to a second month on the HtC challenge!
#52 Vicki T
Feeling fantastic, have noticed scar tissue has albeit disappeared, and my boobs are less (a lot) lumpy, have always had lumpy boobs! Sleeping so much better and even with way more water than usual only go to the toilet once during the night, this was up to 3 times a night. The list goes on................
Win-win for me!
#53 Tait Bragdon

At 52, I decided to make a big change and ended up losing 16.5 kilograms in four months, going from 100 kg to 83.5 kg.
It all started with Dr. Chaffee’s Carnivore Challenge. Sticking to the carnivore diet helped me drop the weight and improve my health.
One of the biggest wins was getting my blood pressure under control after two years of it being high. It used to be around 157/108, but now it’s usually in the normal range, averaging around 115/78 or 122/81.
I did hit some bumps along the way, like dealing with constipation and diarrhea while my body adjusted to the new diet. But after two to three months, I got the hang of it by tweaking my fat intake with things like grass-fed ghee or salted butter.
My usual meals are pretty straightforward: bacon and eggs for breakfast, and for dinner, I go for beef burger patties with aged cheese, lamb cutlets, or a fatty rib eye steak. I love adding grass-fed New Zealand Westgold butter to my meals for a bit of extra flavor.
I also started intermittent fasting, which makes me feel great, especially when I fast for up to 24 hours or until lunch. I haven’t completely given up coffee, but I’ve cut back and sometimes have it with butter or a splash of cream.
Big shoutout to Simon and Dr. Chaffee for their support and advice, and to the Carnivore Challenge community for all the tips and motivation.
I’m proof that the carnivore diet can really change your life!
#55 Frida
I had been in a low carb diet since many years, since my family, from my mother's side, has insulin problems. But when I realised (after much suffering actually) last January that I am also fructose intolerant, I decided to become full carnivore and didn't look back since.
The reason I joined your group and what finally made my experience great was that I could find answers to many details, which are important, even if one doesn't need extra motivation. Details like, why some times we feel like slipping back without having done anything wrong, or why for some people (like me) the lion diet is even better than the carnivore, were topics that were discussed in the chat room and in the lives.
Dear Dr. Chaffee, dear Simon, thank you very much for the whole support. My experience with your team was great. Currently I am in a very busy moment in my life, since I am preparing to change post and move to another country. But when I settle, I am sure that I will join you again.
#56 Tracy J
Started Carnivore in july, here are my stats:
- Down 4.8lbs in aug (11.4lbs for july/aug) 🐌 🫤
- Down 8 inches overall in aug (14" for july/aug) I can dig that 😁
- Down fasting glucose average - from pre-diebetic level of 121 to 98.9!
- Down blood pressure - Slightly elevated levels, back to normal.
- Found my fat/protein balance point for happy tummy (~73%fat)
- Haven't touched coffee, artificial sweetners or non-animal foods since June.
- I wake up early without an alarm - 🐓 not sure how I feel about that one
- only missed 2 days with 5mile walks. Did resistance training 5x/week (although room for improvement on the actual 'training' part 😆)

#57 Renee P
I’ve only recently approached being overweight but found carnivore before getting out of control and beyond my recommended weight range. For the past year weight loss has been impossible and everything was changing. My curves were turning into rolls. Even exercise made me gain weight overnight (not muscle). My body’s response to stress in all forms was becoming hysterical compared to my past and I couldn’t believe in the menopause scare that’s rampant out there. I think I’ve found my answers and working toward a healthier lifestyle emotionally, physically and nutritionally. Month one has been positive and quite a lesson.
#58 Wren G
I started carnivore on Labor Day 2023 & had 95% compliance. Labs 6 mo. later showed lower inflammation, fasting insulin went from 11 to 5.5 & A1C went from pre diabetic to lower & not PDiabetic now. Greatly improved. In June, went Lion diet 98% to 99%+ compliance & quit coffee of course. Lost 5 more #s ( to make 20), and blood pressure normalized ~ after decades! That’s my story & I am sticking to it!🥳
#59 Christina G
#60 Scott B

My rosacea hasn’t cleared fully but in better condition and less hot flushes. My Male Pattern Baldness has almost made a full recovery. I no long grunt when tying my shoe laces. Moustache is getting thicker, it’s rather annoying to maintain even though it’s small 😂
#61 Kristina Jordt - Acne & PCOS
- After just 2 weeks without stevia (the last of the plant matter I'd been consuming), my POTS symptoms disappeared! I've had these symptoms getting worse and worse for almost 30 years! Now gone. I'm astounded! 😃
- People (separately and independently of one another) have been telling me how healthy I look, that I'm glowing and complimenting my skin. I'm used to being asked if I'm OK or told that I look tired. I've also noticed that I no longer need to use body lotion, as my skin isn't as dry.
- Since I developed the worst of my autoimmune conditions 6 years ago, I've had near constant headaches and sometimes migraines emanating from where my skull meets my spine. I noticed this month that they'd disappeared. In 6 years, no NHS nor private doctor I talked with would help me with them - I'm so pleased to be free of them.
- I started on bioidentical HRT 18 months ago and, ever since then, have had bleeding gums. That stopped this month too.
- My brain fog is very slowly improving. I'm mostly noticing how slowly people around me think and how terrible their memories are, many of which consider themselves "healthy".
#63 Mary H - Parkinson's
#64 Karen W - 75LBs fat loss, off antidepressants, mental clarity
#65 Matt L - Fat loss, acid reflux, blood pressure, GI issues
168 days on this WOE. 😃😊. I’m so proud of myself. WOW…and I still love meat 🥩 😂😂
I would say the biggest challenge was my sugar addiction - it was tough at first but I never caved.
#66 Leeanne T - 16kgs down, off medications and antidepressants.
I have been Carnivore for eight months and solidly for two months since doing the Carnivore Challenge!
I havent had perfect adherence however I have found a new way of being and living since joining.
I weighed 97 kilos, had a long list of medications and was feeling disillusioned about life! Since being on Carnivore i have lost 16 kilos, am off alot of the medications, I am weaning off my antidepressants very slowly, I finally have some hope and can visualise a much better life for myself for my future that the one I had!!
#67 Alexandra Books - POTS gone, chronic pain massively reduced, chronic fatigue and brain fog are very gradually improving. Tinnitus improving.
#68 Lisa B - Fat loss, allergies gone, inflammation WAY down!
I measured my waist lying down on the first day and last night-I've lost over 2 inches on my waist. ALL of my severe allergy symptoms are totally gone, GONE!.
I have adhered 100% to Lion protocol, the most compliant I've ever been with anything.
I notice a huge change in inflammation in my face and body, my jeans fit well again. My husband says my skin is really clear and bright and I see it also, My eyes are very clear vs red watering itching from all the allergies/sensitivities.
I have zero cravings. Zero hunger. I have fasted 15-20 hours every single day. I have typically eaten two meals a day and that's felt right esp w fasting. I've kept a personal daily journal to help my commitment and track my daily choices. And I've exercised daily on my rebounder for at least 45 minutes plus some light weight lifting which I have to take slowly b/c of a neck injury.I've done some form of meditation daily.
I've also tried to show up and participate regularly in this wonderful forum.
#69 Gina K - Ear wax is gone.
I have the weirdest and most unexpected result for January haha. I have no ear wax any more. I'm talking squeaky clean. Almost disappointingly clean in fact. My partner says that according to ayurveda, ear wax means incomplete digestion. So there you have it. Told you it was weird.
#70 Shari W - 10lbs down in one month plus zero bloating or digestion problems.

#71 Gero L - Fat loss, no more gut issues, stable blood sugar.
- Most gut issues have settled during the first 2-3 weeks
- Skin improved significantly
- Weight loss ~ 4 kg
- CGM shows less than 100mg/dl all day long, no peaks